People have always been interested in the spiritual side of life. Since ancient times, the realization has come that everything cannot be so meaningless. Exactly in search of the essence...
Gothic movement in art
ABSTRACT Discipline: History of fine arts On the topic: The art of Western European Gothic Completed by: N. N. Khlebus, student of group 102-A FZO Teacher: N....
Symptoms, treatment and prevention of ureaplasmosis
Ureaplasmosis is one of the most common diseases today. In simple terms - inflammation of the human genitourinary system caused by the bacterium Ureaplasma. Doctors...
What is the difference between Bring, Carry, Bear and Take and their synonyms?
In English there are words bring, take and get, which can be used to mean “bring/take”. In what situations is it better to use each of these words, we...
Dimephosphone - reviews, instructions, application
Description and instructions for the drug Dimephosphone Dimephosphone is a medicine that leads to the normalization of the acid-base balance in the patient’s blood. This effect...
Original recipes for making cheese soup with champignons and broccoli Mushroom soup with broccoli and cheese
Many people love thick and rich cheese soups, which have a unique taste and aroma. We bring to your attention a simple recipe for preparing a very aromatic and...
One of the indictment documents against fascist criminals
and other sources. Everything is clickable. *Extremist and terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party,...
Economic collapse in the Russian Federation: “the question is not what will happen, but when it will happen”
Russia’s policy of self-isolation from the West will finish it off in a year or two, says renowned analyst Stepan Demura. In his opinion, the events that are currently taking place in the Russian economy...
Chechen Republic Is Chechnya part of the Russian Federation
In 2003, a new Constitution of the republic was adopted, according to which Chechnya was a subject of the Russian Federation. In the same year, presidential elections took place, victory...
Pronunciation of hissing sounds is normal
A child’s speech develops throughout preschool age. It is necessary to monitor it from an early age, so that by the first grade the child’s correct...
The main events of the time of troubles
One of the most difficult periods in the history of the state is the Time of Troubles. It lasted from 1598 to 1613. It was at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. It's a tough economic and...