Essay on the topic “Sports. Report on the topic: “Types of sports History of the development of sports in Russia

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Sport is probably as old as the human race itself. It evolved with the development and growth of humanity.

All over the world, people of all ages love sports and sports games. Sport not only helps people become stronger and develop physically, but also makes them more focused and organized in their daily activities. It supports a healthy mind in a healthy body. Sport helps people maintain good health.

We all need to exercise. Even if you don't plan to make a career as an athlete, you need training.

Regular exercise gives you more energy. Therefore, people suffering from general fatigue need physical activity more than rest. Exercise improves your health and appearance.

The best exercises are those that involve repetitive movements, such as walking, running or swimming. Bending and stretching will give your body flexibility and a feeling of lightness.

Among the sports popular in our country are: football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, figure skating. Anyone can choose a sport for any time of year, for any taste.

(9 ratings, average: 3.56 out of 5)

Essays on topics:

  1. What role does sport play in a person’s life? All over the world people see it differently. Some people are very cool about sports...
  2. Today, a huge number of people, and especially children, are passionate about swimming. The appearance of swimming pools in every city and town has increased the desire...
  3. A hobby is an activity that you like to do in your free time. It has nothing to do with work, but you do...

Sport is an educational system that occurs through physical activity in the form of competitions or preparation for them, in which a person’s capabilities are assessed.

The main part of sport is its competitive activity. The structure of rivalry is a fundamental condition in sports. Competitive play revives vitality, increases interest and triggers the hormone of happiness in a person. With the help of competitions, a person’s functionality moves to a new level, and the effect of training and exercise increases.

History of the development of sports in Russia

For example: in the writings of Rus' it was said about battles held during holidays. In the old days, a physically developed person was considered successful. In Rus', competitions were often held to find the best athlete.

Recently, sports have been gaining popularity in the modern world. It is the key to health and happiness for many years.

Power in sports

An active life position gives a person self-confidence, vigor, and also improves health and ensures balance of mind and body.

For some, physical activity is daily exhausting work, while for others it is entertainment and relaxation.

With the help of exercises you can feel lightness and flexibility in the body, muscles, abs. But the benefits of sports are not only physical exercise. It gives you a good mood for the whole day.

It is better to start sports training in a complex:

  • diet;
  • balanced diet;
  • hardening;
  • physical exercise.

Sport promotes physical and psycho-emotional development, and also promotes family or team unity. It is a powerful factor in preserving human strength and potential. Physical exercise is recommended for both young and old, as it has a positive effect on the immune system and protects against many diseases.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is very beneficial.

Thanks to sport, the following changes occur in the human body:

  • regulates blood pressure;
  • oxygen saturation;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • rejuvenates the body.

With the help of physical exercise, willpower is formed, urges to laziness are overcome, and some personal records are achieved.

Any person wants to be healthy, strong and always feel good; all you have to do is go in for sports.

Sport is life, energy, strength!

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How to be original and write an interesting essay “Sports in my life”? As a rule, any hand-made masterpiece of a written nature consists of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion.

Essay on the topic “Sports in my life”: introduction

What should the introductory part be, what should it be about, how many sentences should it consist of? The essay “Sport in my life” can begin with leading questions, the answers to which can be detailed in the main part. Alternatively, the introduction can be formatted as follows:

“What place does sport have in your life? Is it your best friend? Or maybe you are so lazy that you can’t imagine yourself doing any exercise? Do you start your day with morning exercises or prefer to spend another 5 minutes in a warm bed? Which one? Is sport right for you? And what is the role of sport for the world as a whole?

Main part

Although the introduction and conclusion are very important, the main part is the largest and most informative. The essay “Sports in my life” may include facts related to this activity in general, for example:

"There are many different sports nowadays. Everyone can choose what they want. If you are full of energy, you can go play football, basketball, tennis and other games."

"As for me, I love swimming. I adore water and cannot imagine my life without swimming. I am not a professional, but I go to the pool two days a week. In the summer I prefer to swim in the sea. Unfortunately, spending all my summer holidays in Spain or Egypt too expensive.But there are also lakes and rivers where you can also have fun spending your time.

My friends say that I am very athletic. But I don't agree with this. I would like to be slimmer and fitter. And for this it would be nice to ride a bicycle. And I also believe that we should eat healthy and nutritious food to look attractive and fresh. I drink a glass of juice and go for a run.

I like to listen to music while running. Sports and music are my hobbies! It's quite difficult for me to live without them. They always cheer me up. Sports make me smile! It is also a great pleasure to watch various sports programs. I find the racing especially exciting."

In the main part of the essay “Sports in my life” it is also worth mentioning the opinions of other people on this matter:

"Many boys are crazy about watching football. Most girls do not understand their football obsession. If they watch the game, they watch the players themselves rather than the equipment. After all, the football players are all so strong and beautiful. We must understand that every person chooses what is best for himself."


The final part of the essay “Sports in my life” should include the main conclusion, which will reflect the appeal or final formalized position of the author. The conclusion could be like this:

"Do you want to be fat and clumsy and enjoy life, lying on the couch in front of the TV with a plate of hamburgers? Personally, I decided that I would have an active life position. Everyone should appreciate the influence of sport on our lives. Sport is life and health. This the key to our good mood! Let's be friends with sports."

That's all, the story is ready.

Sports in human life

Sport plays an important role in our life. It can be taken as a hobby or taken more seriously and considered as a full-time profession. People in different regions of the world have very different favorite sports.

To make your essay more informative and original, you can add some interesting statistical information to it, for example, what in the world

Top 10 popular sports

Let's name these:

  1. Football.
  2. Cricket.
  3. Basketball.
  4. Field hockey.
  5. Tennis.
  6. Volleyball.
  7. Table tennis.
  8. Baseball.
  9. Rugby.
  10. Golf.

1. Definition of the concept of “sport”. Its fundamental difference

from other types of exercise

2. Mass sports. His goals and objectives.

3. Definition of the concept of “physical exercise system”

4. High performance sports

5. Sports classification. Its structure.

6. The purpose of choosing sports and physical exercise systems

for regular classes during school and free time.

7. Long-term, current and operational planning

sports training in a university environment.

8. Main ways to achieve the required structure

preparedness: technical, physical, tactical and mental

9. Types and methods of monitoring the effectiveness of training sessions

1. Definition of the concept of “sport”. Its fundamental difference from other types of physical exercise

The word “sport” came into the Russian language from English (sport) - a loose abbreviation of the original word disport - game, entertainment. It is this fundamental principle of the English word that introduces different interpretations, hence the different interpretations of the term “sport”. In the foreign press, this concept is combined with “physical culture” in its health-improving, recreational (restorative) aspects. In domestic popular periodicals and literature, on television and radio, physical culture and sport are interpreted differently, but are sometimes identified. However, in the specialized literature on physical culture and sports, each of these concepts has a clear definition.

"Sport" - a generalized concept denoting one of the components of the physical culture of society, historically developed in the form of competitive activity and special practice of preparing a person for competitions.

Sport differs from physical culture in that it has a mandatory competitive component. Both an athlete and an athlete can use the same physical exercises (for example, running) in their classes and training, but at the same time the athlete always compares his achievements in physical improvement with the successes of other athletes in intramural competitions. The athlete’s classes are aimed only at personal improvement, regardless of the achievements in this area of ​​others involved. That is why we cannot call an athlete a cheerful old man who moves along the alleys of the square “jogging” - a mixture of fast walking and slow running. This respected person is not an athlete, he is an athlete who uses walking and running for maintaining your health and performance.

However, all these arguments and examples, although they help to agree on a unified interpretation of individual concepts, do not reveal the full versatility of such a social phenomenon as

modern sport. It appears in many guises: as a means of healing, and as a means of psychophysical improvement, and as an effective means of relaxation and restoration of performance, and as a spectacle, and as professional work.

Modern sport is divided into mass and elite sport. It is the versatility of modern sport that forced the introduction of these additional concepts, revealing the essence of its individual areas and their fundamental differences.

2. Mass sports. His goals and objectives.

Mass sports enables millions of people to improve their physical qualities and motor abilities, improve health and prolong creative longevity, and therefore resist the unwanted effects on the body of modern production and everyday life conditions.

The purpose of practicing various types of mass sports is to improve health, improve physical development, preparedness and active recreation. This is associated with solving a number of particular problems: increasing the functionality of individual body systems, adjusting physical development and physique, increasing general and professional performance, mastering vital skills, spending pleasant and useful leisure time, achieving physical perfection.

The tasks of mass sports largely repeat the tasks of physical culture, but are implemented through the sports orientation of regular classes and training.

A significant part of young people become involved in the elements of mass sports during their school years, and in some sports even in preschool age. It is mass sports that are most widespread among student groups.

As practice has shown, usually in non-physical education universities in the country in the field of mass sports, from 10 to 25% of students engage in regular training outside of class hours. The current program in the academic discipline “Physical Culture” for students of higher educational institutions allows almost every healthy student of any university to join mass sports. This can be done not only in your free time, but also during school hours. Moreover, the type of sport or system of physical exercises is chosen by the student himself. We will look at this in more detail a little later.

3. Definition of the concept of “physical exercise system”

In the elective course of the academic discipline “Physical Education”, physical education departments can present to students for choice not only individual sports, but also the most popular ones physical exercise systems.

Modern systems of physical exercises are specially selected movements and postures aimed at a complex or selective impact on certain functional systems of the body. Some of them have competitive elements.

Currently, the most popular among students are athletic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics (aerobics), shaping, martial arts and sets of physical exercises from the eastern systems of karate, wushu, and yoga.

The peculiarities of organizing training sessions with individual systems of physical exercises include some restrictions in their choice. The fact is that in compulsory classes in the academic discipline “physical culture” only those systems (or elements of these systems) that are associated with increased motor activity can be used. Therefore, entire sections, for example, from the “yoga” system, based on long-term meditation, long-term relaxation and passive stretching of muscles, although they have a certain healing effect, cannot be recommended for regular classes during compulsory school hours due to their extremely selective effect on individual systems of the body. But this does not exclude the use of such exercises in training sessions in an introductory aspect or as an auxiliary tool.

When practicing separate systems of physical exercises, where possible, organizing mini-competitions on individual elements, combinations or exercises is not excluded. They not only increase interest in classes, but also serve as a method of monitoring the effectiveness of training sessions. The departments of physical education develop special additional credit requirements and standards that reflect the essence of each system of physical exercises. Like the mandatory tests in general and professionally applied physical training, they are assessed in points and are included in the final assessment of the practical section of the academic discipline “Physical Education” for each semester or academic year.

The organizational basis for students practicing various systems of physical exercises in their free time is the same as when organizing various sports. Sections and groups can also be organized to practice one of the physical exercise systems. The criterion for the effectiveness of such classes are subjective, indirect indicators of health improvement (well-being, internal satisfaction from classes). However, there may also be objective indicators of self-control: changes in body weight, joint mobility. Practicing certain systems of physical exercises in your free time differs from compulsory ones in that it is possible to comprehensively master these systems (including sections of meditation). In particular, you can organize independent groups for classes, for example, “stretching”, i.e. a system of special exercises to stretch muscles and increase joint mobility.

Studying individual systems in limited hours of group classes does not produce a significant effect. This requires daily independent exercise. They greatly increase overall physical activity and health benefits.

4. High performance sports

Along with mass sports, there is elite sport, or big sport.

The goal of big sport is fundamentally different from the goal of mass sport. This is the achievement of the highest possible sporting results or victories at the largest sporting competitions.

Every highest achievement of an athlete has not only personal significance, but becomes a national asset, since records and victories at major international competitions contribute to strengthening the country’s authority on the world stage. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest sports forums attract billions of people to television screens around the world, and among other spiritual values, world records, victories at the World Championships, and leadership at the Olympic Games are so highly valued.

It is impossible not to mention one more social value of big-time sport, which usually remains in the shadows.) Today, elite sport is so far the only model of activity in which, among outstanding record holders, the functioning of almost all body systems can manifest itself in the zone of absolute physiological and mental limits of a healthy person. This allows us not only to penetrate into the secrets of maximum human capabilities, but also to determine ways of rational development and use of the natural abilities available to each person in his professional and social activities, and increase overall performance.

To achieve the set goal in big sport, step-by-step plans for multi-year training and corresponding tasks are developed. At each stage of preparation, these tasks determine the required level of achievement of the functional capabilities of athletes, their mastery of techniques and tactics in their chosen sport. All this must be realized in total in a specific sports result.

5. Sports classification. Its structure.

To compare the level of results achieved both in one sports discipline and between different sports, a unified sports classification is used.

The current sports classification includes almost all sports cultivated in the country. It is very conditional, in a single gradation by sports ranks and categories, standards and requirements are presented that characterize the level of preparedness of athletes, their sports results and achievements.”

The conventionality of bringing different sports categories and titles into a single system (for example, marathon running ~ weightlifting) is combined with the scientific nature of such systematization, which is based on the statistical reliability of the established labor intensity and the actual time frame for achieving the same category. Thus, gifted young people usually receive the title “master of sports” after 6-8 years of regular and intense sports training. The realistically possible deadlines for achieving the standards and requirements of individual categories and titles are also certain time guidelines for both beginners and highly qualified athletes. The advancement of an athlete from rank to rank serves as a criterion for the effectiveness of the educational and training process.

The structure of the sports classification provides for the assignment of the following categories and sports titles (from lowest to highest).

Sports categories: 5th, 4th categories (only in chess and checkers); 3rd, 2nd, 1st categories, “candidate master of sports”. Sports categories must be confirmed.

iSports titles: “master of sports”, “master of sports of international class” (this title is equivalent to the title “grandmaster” in chess and checkers). For particularly outstanding sporting achievements, the title “Honored Master of Sports of Russia” is awarded. “Sports titles are awarded for life.

To assign the specified ranks and titles in some sports it is necessary to fulfill rank standards and requirements, and in others only rank requirements. Discharge standards are usually expressed in measures of time, length, weight and other quantitative indicators. Bit requirements are determined by the following provisions:

Take a certain place in competitions of one level or another;

Achieve a certain number of victories over athletes of the corresponding categories.

Sports classification is mobile and dynamic in nature. Periodically, adjustments are made to it related to sports practice, which is influenced by progressive changes in the theory and practice of training athletes, their technical equipment, etc.

6. The purpose of choosing sports and physical exercise systems for regular exercise during school and free time.

The age characteristics of students, the specifics of educational work and life of students, the characteristics of their capabilities and conditions for physical education and sports allow us to classify them in a special category. college sports.

Organizational features of student sports:

· accessibility and opportunity to play sports during compulsory training hours in the discipline “Physical Education” (elective course in the main educational department, educational and training sessions in the sports educational department);

· the opportunity to play sports in your free time from academic studies

· time in university sports sections and groups, as well as independently;

· the opportunity to systematically participate in student sports competitions of an accessible level (in educational competitions, in intra- and extra-university competitions in selected sports).

This entire system gives every practically healthy student the opportunity to first get acquainted with and then choose a sport for regular practice.

Sports in higher education

The physical education curriculum provides freedom of choice for sports for students of the basic and sports departments. After a period of active theoretical, methodological and general physical training in the first year, students are asked to independently choose a sport or a system of physical exercises for systematic training during their studies at the university.

Sports in the elective course of physical nutrition for students is that part of the predominantly practical classes of the academic discipline “Physical Education”, in which students choose the type of sport independently (from among those proposed by the department of physical education). However, it is appropriate to make a small reservation here: only those sports that are associated with increased physical activity can be included in the curriculum. Therefore, chess, checkers, etc. are not included in the work program.

Each student, of course, has his own motivation for choosing this or that sport, but the fundamental thing in this process is that “I am not chosen, but I choose.” Therefore, for example, a student with a “non-basketball” height who wants to play basketball (where tall people have always had an advantage), no one has the right to refuse his desire.

Meanwhile, the practice of a number of universities shows that in some cases such refusals are legitimate. Thus, the “right of choice” is deprived of those students who do not show results equal to 1 point in each exercise in the mandatory tests of general physical fitness (for example, for men - 100 and 3000 m running, pull-ups on the horizontal bar). These students are trained in general physical training (general physical training) groups; with limited possibilities for staffing study groups in certain sports (no more than 15 people are allowed in one group), preference is given to students who score more points in the three specified mandatory physical fitness tests. Such experience in staffing study groups at individual universities is not necessary for others. This practice is often forced due to limited training places and other reasons.

Sports in students' free time

Sports in free time are an integral part of students' physical education. Such classes are held on an amateur basis, without any conditions or restrictions for students. In their free time, students can engage in sports sections, training groups for individual sports, including chess, checkers, shooting, technical sports (aircraft modeling, gliding, auto and motor sports). These sections are organized and financed at universities by the administration, public organizations, commercial structures, sponsors... The initiators of organizing such sectional classes and determining their sports profile are most often the students themselves.

Independent training is one of the forms of sports training. In some sports, such preparation can significantly reduce the time spent on organized training sessions and conduct them at the most convenient time. Independent sports training does not exclude the possibility of participation in intra-university and extra-university student competitions.

Rationale for individual choice of sports or physical exercise systems

Which young person would not want to have a slender figure, be strong, resilient, dexterous, and not inferior to friends in sports exercises, dance movements, and work? All this plays an important role in the self-affirmation of a young person among his peers, in the educational and work community. But very rarely a person gets all these qualities from nature.

The famous scientist morphologist M.F. Ivanitsky wrote that a person is born only with the inclination of such natural talents that determine the beauty of the human body and the proportionality of all its parts, ease and consistency of movements, physical strength, and harmonious development. But for full flowering and maturation, all these natural talents need active development and improvement.

In conditions when a person’s physical activity is limited by the peculiarities of work and life, it is regular exercise and various sports that help to reveal the natural inclinations and abilities of a young person. Such activities can make up for what was missed in childhood.

It is no coincidence that teenagers, young men, and even older people are faced with a choice: what, what exercises, what kind of sport and how to do it to improve health, for physical development, to maintain and increase the level of performance. In a higher educational institution, where the educational and professional program in the academic discipline “Physical Culture” provides for compulsory training sessions with a sports focus for each student, the problem of choice also arises.

Motivational options and justification for individual choice of students

As many years of experience show, when choosing sports (or systems of physical exercise), the majority of students do not have a clear, conscious and justified motivation.

Most often, the choice is determined by chance: sometimes with a friend or girlfriend; then the teacher is more sympathetic; then the schedule is more convenient... Much less often, the choice is based on a stable interest in a particular sport or on an understanding of the need to perform certain physical exercises in order to correct deficiencies in one’s physical development or functional readiness. And a random choice, as a rule, leads to a loss of interest and a decrease in activity, which means that the classes will not be effective.

From ancient times the call of the ancient Greek thinker Socrates “Know thyself!” has reached us. Therefore, an objective assessment of one’s physical development, physique, physical fitness, as well as preliminary familiarization with the “opportunities” of various sports are necessary for a conscious and justified

choosing a sport and exercise for your physical improvement.

Despite all the diversity, in practice there are mainly five motivational options for students to choose a sport and a system of physical exercises:

· health promotion, correction of physical development and physique deficiencies;

· increasing the functional capabilities of the body;

· psychophysical preparation for future professional activity and mastery of vital skills and abilities;

· leisure;

· achieving the highest sports results.

1) Selecting sports to improve health, correct deficiencies in physical development and physique

Health is the leading factor that determines the full performance of all life functions, the harmonious development of a young person, the success of mastering a profession and the fruitfulness of future work. Physical exercise, physical culture and Sports are widely used to improve health.

The human body is programmed by nature to move, and physical activity should be present throughout life. Special studies have established that the body of physically active 50-60 year old men has higher functional capabilities than 30 year old men, but with limited motor activity. It is no coincidence that all centenarians are characterized by increased physical activity throughout their lives.

In modern society, especially among city dwellers, there is no other way to increase physical activity other than physical education and sports. Therefore, mass sports, all its types that are associated with active motor activity, are designed to promote the normal functioning of the main systems of the body, improve this activity and create the prerequisites for maintaining and strengthening health.

Physical development is closely related to health. Participation in certain sports and physical exercise systems can contribute to the development of certain organs and systems of the body. With the help of appropriately selected physical exercises, many indicators of physical development can be improved (body weight, difficult cell circumference, vital capacity of the lungs).

Correction of deficiencies in physical development and physique. It is possible to explain deficiencies in physical development and physique by heredity or the conditions of upbringing, but this does not make it any easier for the young man. Such shortcomings constantly spoil the mood, and often give rise to an inferiority complex.

Of course, not all defects can be corrected with the help of physical exercises: the most difficult are growth and those body features that are associated with the shape of the main skeletal bones. Much lighter - body weight and certain anthropometric indicators (thigh circumference, chest circumference, etc.).

But before you decide to correct your physique, or select special exercises or sports, you should form your firm idea of ​​the ideal. Only after this should you make a decision about choosing a sport or a system of physical exercises - different types of sports and exercises will contribute in different ways to solving the task you have set for yourself.

It is no coincidence that representatives of various sports are distinguished by characteristic anthropometric indicators: gymnasts have good development of the shoulder girdle and muscles of the upper extremities, the muscles of the lower extremities are relatively less developed; Speed ​​skaters have a relatively well-developed chest, thigh muscles, etc. (more detailed characteristics of individual sports will be given in the next section).

However, the greatest opportunities, for example, in the selective correction of individual physique defects, are provided by regular exercises in athletic gymnastics or shaping, i.e. those exercises that are aimed primarily at solving such problems.

2) Increased functionality of the body

The university program for the academic discipline “Physical Culture” provides for regular monitoring (at the beginning and end of each academic year) of the dynamics of the physical fitness of each student. For this purpose, three mandatory simple tests are used, reflecting the level of development of basic physical qualities: speed-strength fitness (100 m run), strength fitness of “key” muscle groups for men and women;

general endurance (running 3000 m for men and 2000 m for women). Performance on these tests is scored using points. Having passed tests in the first month of his stay at the university, each student can make a self-assessment of the state of muscle strength and general endurance

(characterizing mainly the performance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems) and partly speed (partly, since speed, as already indicated, is only one of the components of the qualities determined by the result in the 100 m run). Based on the test results, each student can decide which sport to take up to improve their functional capabilities or to accentuate the development of any insufficiently developed physical quality (speed, strength, endurance).

But here an alternative arises: choose a sport that will help “pull up” an insufficiently developed physical quality, or one where the already defined ability to demonstrate a specific quality can be most fully realized.

Probably, both approaches are legitimate, but you need to immediately determine for yourself exactly the motivation for the choice. In the first case, there is a health-improving focus, versatile physical training (and at the same time the fulfillment of educational credit standards in the “lagging” test). At the same time, one should be aware that success in the chosen sport, by sports standards and classification, will obviously be low. In the second case, it is possible to achieve significant sporting results.

Of course, the choice is up to the student himself, but I think that the first option can be recommended for young people with relatively low general physical fitness. The second is for students with good preliminary general physical and sports preparedness.

3) Selection of sports and physical exercise systems for active recreation

A significant portion of students, despite all the programmatic regulation of classes in the academic discipline “Physical Culture,” perceive them as active recreation, as a “release” from the monotonous classroom academic work. The student’s right to choose various sports and physical exercise systems will only support his interest in such activities. And where there is interest, there is greater effectiveness of classes and the benefits of active recreation.

A significant role in the occurrence and course of the effect of active rest is played not only by the characteristics of previous fatigue (mental, physical, neuro-emotional), but also by a person’s psychological mood, his emotional state and even temperament. So, if a person is easily distracted from work and then quickly gets involved in it, if he is sociable with others, emotional in disputes, game sports or martial arts will be preferable for him; if he is diligent, concentrated in work and inclined to homogeneous activities without constant switching of attention, if he is able to perform physically difficult work for a long time, then long running, skiing, swimming, cycling are suitable for him; and if he is withdrawn, unsociable, unsure of himself, or overly sensitive to the opinions of others, he should not constantly study in groups. In this case, individual training in appropriate sports and physical exercise systems without distractions will help you experience positive emotions and bring physical and mental satisfaction.

But all this is acceptable if the motivation for choice is active recreation, and classes are carried out mainly in free time.

4) Psychophysical preparation for future professional activity and mastery of vital skills and abilities also imply a targeted choice of sports and physical exercise systems. In this case, the choice is made in order to achieve better special psychophysical preparedness for the chosen profession. So, if your future profession requires increased general endurance, then you should choose sports that develop this quality to the greatest extent (long-distance running, cross-country skiing, etc.). If your future work involves prolonged strain on the visual analyzer, master sports and exercises that train the micromuscles of the eye (table tennis, tennis, badminton). Good command of the elements of sports tourism and mountaineering is necessary for future expedition workers; rowing and swimming - to hydrologists; horse riding - for veterinarians and animal engineers, etc.

The use of applied sports and physical exercise systems to ensure psychophysical reliability and safety when performing professional types of work is based on the fact that participation in various sports, as well as the level of qualification of athletes, leaves an imprint on his functional readiness, on the degree of proficiency in applied motor skills. If during school years a young person was not able to master skills such as swimming or skiing, then this should be done during his student years. And although this young man will no longer become an elite swimmer, he will achieve another goal - to prepare himself in advance for his future profession, for possible extreme situations in life. For more information about vocational and applied training, see Chapter. 10.

5) Selecting sports to achieve the highest sports results involves an attempt to combine successful preparation for a chosen profession at a university with extensive, physically and psychologically difficult sports training to achieve high results in big-time sports. When choosing this path, a young person must clearly imagine and objectively evaluate all its pros and cons, compare goals with real opportunities, since at the age of 17-19 years a truly gifted athlete already has 5-8 years of training in his chosen sport and is noticeable in the sports world.

Modern science of sports studies in sufficient detail the problem of personality development in big-time sports - from a beginner to an international master of sports. Nowadays, in each sport, the basics of sports selection for young people have been developed, and the stages of long-term preparation for record results have been determined. Experts have established control requirements for physical development, the level of functioning and interaction of individual body systems, the parameters of mental stability, and much more for each stage of long-term training. In accordance with these requirements, they determine the success and timeliness of completing the established stages of the sports path, which on average takes about 10 years of continuous training.

7. Long-term, current and operational planning of sports training in a university setting.

The specifics of each sport or physical exercise system always leaves its mark on the planning of educational and training sessions.

However, in every sport or in a system of physical exercises it is always present. main sections:

· long-term planning;

· annual planning;

· current and operational planning.

Long-term planning for multi-year training

From year to year the number of training sessions and competitions increases, and the total volume of workload increases. From stage to stage of long-term training, the ratio of various means used in the training process changes (Figure 1).

Long-term planning of a student’s sports training is to ensure the continuity of the training process, since it links into a single long-term system training in classes in the discipline “Physical Education” in high school and university, as well as classes in free time throughout the course of study ((including educational and practical training, as well as vacation time). In some cases, a long-term sports training plan should also cover the post-graduate period of the athlete’s training.

Meanwhile, sports training in the main educational department of the university is planned only for years of study in the discipline “Physical Culture”. Long-term planning in this case consists of gradually complicating the tasks of mastering compulsory program and elective educational material. Ultimately, this is reflected in increasingly complex test sports and technical standards and requirements.

Long-term planning in the sports education department has its own characteristics. On the one hand, it provides for the gradual complication of the educational and training process over the years of study, on the other hand, it can cover not only the period of study at the university, but also the sports training of the athlete after graduation. Such planning, which covers the post-graduate period of sports training, is most clearly manifested in individual sports. The list and level of qualifying sports and technical standards and requirements for students by year of study are developed by the Department of Physical Education, taking into account the general physical and sports readiness of study groups for each sport. Sometimes students are given tasks to achieve or confirm certain sports categories by year of study at the university.

In each university, along with the mandatory credit requirements for general physical and vocational-applied physical training, sports and technical standards and requirements for the years of study, and not just for the upcoming semester, must be announced to students in advance. This will allow them to imagine the degree of difficulty in mastering educational and training material not only for the upcoming semester, but also for the future.

The features of long-term planning in a specific sport or a long-term plan for training in any system of physical exercises are fully revealed in the lecture.

Current and operational planning

Current planning is related to the optimization of the educational and training process, preparation for individual competitions or a series of them. It is intended to present various factors of the training process (selection of appropriate training means, competitive starts, methods of directed recovery and stimulation of performance), in such a combination that would provide conditions for preparing the athlete to demonstrate the highest capabilities at the main competitions.

On the one hand, certain “blocks” are planned from a series of training sessions with specific training tasks, on the other hand, constant ongoing monitoring of the athlete’s specific performance is carried out through various tests, because it is important to identify the effectiveness of training after each “block” of training sessions.

Current planning in the main and sports departments differs significantly, especially in the types and forms of ongoing control. In the main department, tests are more often used, and in the sports department, competitive exercises are used (at auxiliary distances and their segments, in non-standard exercises not used in official competitions).

Operational planning, or management of the educational and training process, determines the degree of physical, technical, tactical readiness of the student-athlete. A variety of indicators are assessed, reflecting the body’s capabilities, reactions to certain types of physical exercise, and the duration of pauses between them.

Modern technical means make it possible to quickly receive and convey to students information about the dynamic and kinematic characteristics of movements, the reaction of the main functional systems, and their compliance with the specified characteristics. This allows you to timely adjust individual loads and the use of training tools.

Operational planning provides for control of all aspects of sports training. It does not have significant differences in the preparation of students in the main and sports departments, but in each sport, operational and current planning have their own differences. This should be discussed in lectures on this topic.

8. The main ways to achieve the necessary structure of preparedness: technical, physical, tactical and mental

By presenting the general structure of the preparedness of athletes or those involved in one of the systems of physical exercises (SPE) in the form of individual elements, it is possible to systematize the means and methods of their improvement. All aspects of sports readiness are closely interconnected. Thus, technical improvement directly depends on the level of development of physical qualities - strength, speed, flexibility, agility, and endurance is closely related to the efficiency of sports movement techniques, the level of mental stability when overcoming fatigue. Tactical preparedness is based on functional preparedness and the level of technical skill, on the mental qualities of the athlete (courage, determination).

Physical fitness in your chosen sport

Physical fitness is characterized by the capabilities of the functional systems of the athlete’s body. Conventionally, it can be divided into general And special The connecting link between them is auxiliary preparedness.

General physical fitness presupposes the diversified development of physical qualities, the coherence of their manifestation in the process of muscle activity.

General physical training is especially emphasized in the first and second years. Control over it is carried out in all courses, in all educational departments (main, special, sports) during all years of study at the university. “End-to-end” physical fitness tests (run 100, 2000 m - women, 3000 m - men, and special strength exercises for women and men) also serve this purpose.

However, for a number of sports, the general level of program requirements for physical fitness in individual exercises may be insufficient for students; specializing in any sport or system of physical exercises.

Auxiliary physical fitness, on the one hand, fulfills the necessary increased requirements for the development of certain physical qualities in a given sport or system of physical exercises, and on the other, serves as a functional basis for successful work on the development of special physical qualities and abilities.

Thus, for sports specialization in cross-country skiing, the general requirements for a 3 km run are insufficient, either in a given time (worth 5 points) or in terms of the length of the distance. In this case, during the pre-season training period, an additional test can be introduced (in the training group of “skiers”), for example, in a 5-10 km run with corresponding requirements for the speed of covering these distances. Such auxiliary physical training will help to move more smoothly to specialized training and to certain competitive distances in cross-country skiing (15, 30, 50 km).

Special physical preparedness characterizes the level of development of precisely those physical qualities, capabilities of organs and functional systems of the body with which achievements in the chosen sport are directly related. Special preparedness is inherent only in a given sport or system of physical exercises. It can be expressed in sports and technical requirements for speed, strength abilities, flexibility, coordination capabilities, and special endurance. The sports and technical standards and requirements offered to students by semester and year of study also have a corresponding focus.

Technical readiness in the chosen sport or SFU

The structure of technical readiness is divided into basic and additional movements.

The basic ones include movements and actions that form the basis of the technical equipment of this sport, without which it is impossible to carry out competitive wrestling according to the rules. Mastering basic movements is a prerequisite for an athlete specializing in a particular sport. In the main training department, it is this group of movements that is emphasized in the process of initial sports training. The same basic movements exist in various systems of physical exercises.

Additional movements and actions are minor elements of movements that are characteristic of individual athletes and associated with their individual characteristics. It is these movements and actions that form the individual style and technical manner of an athlete, which allows them to achieve advantages in confrontations with equal opponents. This individual style is supported in every possible way by the trainer-teacher.

The technical readiness of an athlete is largely determined by the goal towards which the corresponding motor action is aimed. In speed-strength, cyclic, difficult; In coordination sports, in sports games and martial arts, such goals differ.

For some sports, the stability of the technique is of greater importance, for others - its variability, for others - the efficiency of the technique, for others - minimal tactical information about these individual technical techniques for opponents. But in any case, the main sequential tasks of the process of improving the technical skill of an athlete will be the following.

1. Achieve high stability and variability of specialized movements and techniques that form the basis of the technique of this sport.

2. Consistently transform the mastered fundamentals of technique into expedient and effective competitive actions.

3. Improve the structure of motor actions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the athlete.

4. To increase the reliability and effectiveness of the athlete’s technique in extreme competitive situations.

5. Improve the technical skills of athletes based on the requirements of sports practice and the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the field of sports equipment.

Tactical preparedness in a chosen sport or SFU

The activity of an athlete's tactical actions is an important indicator of sports performance. skill. A highly qualified athlete must be able to impose

his will, to exert constant psychological pressure on him through various and effective actions. This requirement applies to team and individual sports, contact and non-contact martial arts.

An athlete’s tactical training is always based on his physical and technical preparedness. At the same time, his individual characteristics, including those of a psychological nature, are taken into account.

The structure of tactical readiness is determined by the nature of strategic tasks that dictate the main directions of sports wrestling; these tasks can be associated with the participation of an athlete or team in a series of competitions in order to prepare and successfully perform in the main competitions of a season or cycle (for example, the Student Universiade, Olympic Games). But tactical tasks can also be more local, related to participation in individual competitions or even in a specific fight, fight, race, game. In the latter case, it is necessary to take into account such features of specific competitions as the nature of the refereeing, the behavior of fans, and the condition of the competition venues. When developing a tactical plan, you need to keep in mind your own functional, technical and tactical capabilities, as well as the capabilities of your partners.

Mental preparedness in selected form sports or SFU

In the structure of athletes’ mental preparedness, two relatively independent and at the same time interconnected aspects should be distinguished: strong-willed and special mental preparedness.

Volitional preparedness includes such qualities as purposefulness (a clear vision of a long-term goal), determination and courage (a propensity to take reasonable risks combined with thoughtful decisions), perseverance and perseverance (the ability to mobilize functional reserves, activity in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles), endurance and self-control (clarity of mind, the ability to control one’s thoughts and actions in conditions of emotional arousal), independence and initiative.

The specificity of various sports leaves an imprint on the requirements for volitional qualities and their manifestations in competitive activity. Prominent sports psychologist D. Ts. Puni found that in representatives of each species. Sports have their own leading volitional qualities that are closest to them and reinforce them, and the quality that unites the entire structure is purposefulness. The structure of special mental preparedness should include:

The athlete’s resistance to stressful situations of training and especially competitive activity;

The degree of perfection of kinesthetic and visual perception of various parameters of motor actions and the environment;

The ability to mentally regulate movements, ensure effective muscle coordination;

Ability to perceive, organize and process information under time pressure;

Perfection of spatio-temporal perception as a factor that increases the efficiency of an athlete’s technical and tactical actions;

The ability to form programs in the brain structures that anticipate reactions and precede real action.

The specifics of various sports and the characteristics of individual disciplines (distances, types, etc.) in the program of a particular sport leave a significant imprint on the mental requirements of each athlete, and the corresponding mental qualities are formed as a result of practicing a specific sport. And every student should know about the structure of the athlete’s special mental preparedness, characteristic of the chosen sport.

9. Types and methods of monitoring the effectiveness of training sessions

The purpose of control is to optimize the process of sports training of an athlete based on an objective assessment of various aspects of his preparedness.

The implementation of the planned content of sports training is monitored at each stage by identifying the state of various aspects of athletes’ preparedness (physical, technical, tactical).

It is customary to distinguish three types of control: stage-by-stage, current and operational.

Stage-by-stage control allows you to summarize the results of educational and training work for a certain period: over several years, a year, a macro cycle or stage.

Current control is aimed at assessing current states that are a consequence of the loads of a series of training or competitive microcycles.

Operational control involves the assessment of operational states - urgent reactions of the athlete's body to loads during individual training sessions or competitions.

All types of control depend on the characteristics of the sport. In universities, stage-by-stage and ongoing control is usually correlated with the semester and academic year. Self-control is also included in the system of monitoring the effectiveness of sports training.

Means and methods of control can be of a pedagogical, psychological and medical-biological nature. They depend on the characteristics of a particular sport (physical exercise system), the composition of those involved, the availability of special equipment and “other material and technical capabilities and conditions. Therefore, in each university, for a specific sport (physical exercise system), the Department of Physical Education develops and approves the appropriate types control and their terms. In the same way, methods and means of monitoring the effectiveness of the educational and training process are determined for the semester, academic year, and for the entire period of study at the university.

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