Yuri Andreevich Andreev. Andreev Yu.A. Such an ordinary day

  • Yuri Andreev is the author of the first books devoted to the complex healing of humans, the founder of such a popular trend in health literature. He is the author of the famous “Three Pillars of Health” and a number of other well-known books, the total circulation of which has exceeded a million. Now the works of Yuri Andreevich are our heritage, our history, our bible of health. The publishing house "Piter" mourns the death of this outstanding man and is re-issuing the book "Water - God's Deputy on Earth." The memory of him lives in the hearts of hundreds of thousands of students, followers, faithful friends. In the book that is in front of you, you will find a story about the amazing properties of water, about its Divine and healing essence, about its effect on the health of each person and on the life of everything humanity. The subject of the description is so wonderful that this work could well be called a poem, especially considering the sublime feelings that possessed the author during its creation. Read a real book about the Great Water!!!
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    • Genre:
    • Yuri Andreev presents a master class on a healthy lifestyle. The book clearly and in detail describes one day of a modern busy person - a day of health that can tune the body and mind to optimal functioning. Just one day, but it contains the knowledge accumulated by the author over many years of healing practice! The author is sure: the 21st century is an era of new technologies based on the internal capabilities of man. Use these technologies and you will unlock unprecedented health reserves!
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    • Series:
    • Genre:
    • Yuri Andreev is a full member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Science, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, creator and director of one of the best educational and health centers in the country - “Temple of Health”. The book presents a comprehensive system of human healing. The theoretical foundations of treatment and self-medication techniques, personal experience of healing practice and deep medical knowledge form the foundation of Yuri Andreev’s “Temple of Health”. It is possible to regain lost health. You must preserve your health and that of your loved ones!
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    • Series:
    • Genre:
    • “What is love?..” For more than ten years now, the cult book “Man and Woman” by the famous writer and healer Yuri Andreev has been trying to answer this eternal question. The genre of the book is paradoxical! It is, rather, a poem about love in all its manifestations and about marital happiness, which is available to everyone, but... requires knowledge, wisdom and work. Pick up this book, as millions of readers have already done, and immerse yourself in the beautiful and dramatic world of human relationships. Learn worldly wisdom, the art of love, discover the “secret of Chinese mandarins”, mastering which allows a man to have sexual power until his very old age. Unique revelations about how to love and be loved, and therefore happy - regardless of age.
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    Andreev Yuri Andreevich. [Russia, St. Petersburg,] (born 05/08/1930, died 07/17/2009)

    Andreev Yuri Andreevich was born on May 8, 1930 in Dnepropetrovsk. Lived in St. Petersburg. Died on July 17, 2009...

    In 1938, the family moved from Dnepropetrovsk to Smolensk, where they faced the war (the father was a career military man). In 1944, the family moved to Leningrad at his father’s place of service.

    He graduated from school with a gold medal and in 1948 entered the philological faculty of Leningrad State University. A.A. Zhdanov, although he was the winner of olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.

    Since 1949, sambo wrestling coach at the Department of Physical Education of Leningrad State University; To obtain the right to coach, he combined his studies at the philological department with classes at the coaching school at the P.Ya. Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture and at the same time was an active wrestler.

    After graduating from the university in 1953, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), being the senior coach of the university sambo team. In 1958, a candidate's dissertation on the Soviet historical novel was published. In 1961, the romantic story “The Republic of Sambo” was published. (The title of the book was later adopted by several famous sports schools in the Soviet Union).

    He worked at the Pushkin House until 1983. He was deputy director of the Institute for Science, and in recent years he worked as a senior researcher in the theoretical research sector. In 1974 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology. Author of more than 500 scientific papers, including 30 monographs.

    Member of the Writers' Union (1965), secretary of the Leningrad writers' organization, member of the Board of the USSR Writers' Union. Member of the Union of Journalists. For 10 years, from 1983, he headed the editorial office of the Poet's Library of the publishing house "Soviet Writer".

    In the January 1965 issue of the magazine "October" he published the first large article in the history of the KSP movement, "What are they singing?" From October of the same year to May 1981 - host of subscription concerts of the Leningrad song club "Vostok", starting with the 1st subscription concert.

    From 1965 to 1973 - Chairman of the Vostok Art Council. An active participant in the all-Union process of unification and legalization of the KSP movement.

    In May 1967, he took part in a seminar for authors and activists of amateur songs in Petushki, Moscow region.

    From 1981 to 1989, on behalf of the Leningrad Writers' Organization, he was the curator of the famous "Club-81", which united the so-called dissidents. In 1985, edited by Yu.A. Andreev, a collection of authors from this club “Circle” was published, which received 35 international reviews.

    In September 1986 in Saratov, at the 1st legal congress of the KSP (1st All-Union Festival of Art Songs), representatives of 140 cities elected him Chairman of the All-Union Council of the KSP. In 1991, the publishing house "Young Guard" published a book by Yu.A. Andreeva "Our Song".

    In 1991, the book “Three Pillars of Health” was published, which was the first publication in our country dedicated to comprehensive human self-healing (the 15th edition of this book appeared in 2003). In the mid-1990s. in the village of Repino near Leningrad he created a unique 4-story Temple of Health. As a practicing healer, he has received many Russian and international awards.

    Academician of the International Academy of Information, Communications, Management (1998).

    Y. Andreev's active participation in sports life, in the literary movement, in science, in the KSP movement, in invention, in healing is the unshakable basis of his worldview: a person is not reduced to just any single production function; the fullness of human existence is the basis of his full life.

    Of the 8 children of Yu.A. Andreev, the most famous is Sergei Yuryevich Andreev - Doctor of Economic Sciences, writer, athlete, deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, a wonderful performer of hundreds of original songs. In the 1980s, S.Yu. Andreev was the chairman of the Tyumen KSP.

    Yuri Andreevich Andreev(May 8, 1930, Dnepropetrovsk - July 17, 2009, St. Petersburg) - Russian prose writer, literary critic, publicist, secretary of the Leningrad Writers' Organization, member of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR, member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Writers of Russia. Doctor of Philological Sciences. Activist of alternative medicine, creator and director of the educational and health center “Temple of Health”.


    Born into a career military family. In 1938, the family moved to Smolensk, where they faced the war. Since 1944 he lived in Leningrad at his father’s place of service.

    After graduating from school with a gold medal, from 1948 to 1953 he studied at the philological faculty of Leningrad State University. A. A. Zhdanova.

    Athlete. Since 1949, he worked as a sambo wrestling coach at the Department of Physical Education of Leningrad State University. To obtain the right to coach, he combined his studies at the university with classes at the coaching school at the P. Ya. Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture and at the same time was an active wrestler. Senior coach of the Leningrad State University sambo team.

    After graduating from the university, he became a graduate student at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House). He worked at the Pushkin House until 1983. In 1958-1962 - executive secretary of the editorial board of the magazine "Russian Literature". He was Deputy Director of the Institute for Science, and in recent years he worked as a senior researcher in the theoretical research sector.

    In 1958 he defended his PhD thesis on the Soviet historical novel. In 1974 he received the degree of Doctor of Philology (for his previously defended dissertation “Revolution and Literature: Representation of October and the Civil War in Russian Soviet Literature and the Formation of Socialist Realism (20-30s)”), and later ran for Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences . In 1983-1990, he headed the editorial office of the “Poet's Library” series of the “Soviet Writer” publishing house.

    He lived and worked for a long time in the village of Repino (a suburb of Leningrad-Petersburg); in the mid-1990s he built a four-story Temple of Health there.


    • First wife - ?
      • Son - Sergei Yuryevich Andreev (born March 22, 1954, Leningrad) - Doctor of Economics, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg (1994-2007), writer.
    • The second wife is Polina Alekseevna Andreeva, née?, a graduate of the Naval Institute, her daughter from a previous marriage with Viktor Magrelov is Irina Viktorovna Solonkina, an organic chemist.
    • Third wife - ?, adopted her three children.
    • The fourth wife is Tatyana Andreeva, née?.


    • St. Petersburg, st. Novorossiyskaya, 22 building 1. (opposite the park of the Forestry Academy, where Yu. A. Andreev did jogging).

    Creative and literary activities

    Yuri Andreev is the author of more than 500 published works, including 30 monographs. His debut as a writer took place in 1961, when his romantic story “The Republic of Sambo” was published. In 1970 he was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR.

    Activist of the bard song movement. From October 1965 to May 1981 - host of concerts at the Leningrad song club "Vostok", from 1965 to 1973 - chairman of the artistic council of "Vostok". An active figure in the all-Union process of unification and legalization of the Amateur Song Club (ASC) movement.

    In May 1967, he participated in a seminar for authors and activists of amateur songs in Petushki, Vladimir region.

    Mikhail Aronov, biographer of Alexander Galich, cites statements made in 1999 by Vladimir Turiyansky and Sergei Chesnokov about Yuri Andreev’s collaboration with the KGB.

    From 1981 to 1989, on behalf of the Leningrad Writers' Organization, Andreev was the curator of "Club-81", which united representatives of the Leningrad "second" ("unofficial") culture, mainly writers. In 1985, with a preface by Yu. A. Andreev, “The Circle of Searches,” a collection of authors from this club was published, which received 35 international reviews.

    Andreev Yu.A. - about the author

    Yuri Andreevich was born in Dnepropetrovsk. In 1938, the family moved from Dnepropetrovsk to Smolensk, where they faced the war (the father was a career military man). In 1944, the family moved to Leningrad at his father’s place of service.

    He graduated from school with a gold medal and in 1948 entered the philological faculty of Leningrad State University. A.A. Zhdanov, although he was the winner of olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.

    Since 1949, sambo wrestling coach at the Department of Physical Education of Leningrad State University; To obtain the right to coach, he combined his studies at the philological department with classes at the coaching school at the P.Ya. Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture and at the same time was an active wrestler.

    After graduating from the university in 1953, he entered graduate school at the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), being the senior coach of the university sambo team. In 1958, a candidate's dissertation on the Soviet historical novel was published. In 1961, the romantic story “The Republic of Sambo” was published.

    He worked at the Pushkin House until 1983. He was deputy director of the Institute for Science, and in recent years he worked as a senior researcher in the theoretical research sector. In 1974 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology. Author of more than 500 scientific papers, including 30 monographs.

    Member of the Writers' Union (1965), secretary of the Leningrad writers' organization, member of the Board of the USSR Writers' Union. Member of the Union of Journalists. For 10 years, from 1983, he headed the editorial office of the Poet's Library of the Soviet Writer publishing house.

    In 1991, the book “Three Pillars of Health” was published, which was the first publication in our country dedicated to comprehensive human self-healing (the 15th edition of this book appeared in 2003). In the mid-1990s. in the village of Repino near Leningrad he created a unique 4-story Temple of Health. As a practicing healer, he has received many Russian and international awards.

    Andreev Yu.A. - books for free:

    I remember how, as a child, a fantastic thought occurred to me: what if there was a kind of children’s kingdom in which all the laws would be established by children, all decisions would be made by children and all life would go the way the children wanted it... .

    In the book, a person is considered as a unique system of receiving and transmitting information devices. Their consistent tuning in resonance with the fundamental laws of Earth and Heaven, proposed by the author, leads to healing...,

    The book presents a comprehensive system of human healing. The theoretical foundations of treatment and self-medication techniques, personal experience of healing practice and deep medical knowledge form the foundation of Yuri Andreev’s “Temple of Health”. Return...

    If you have a desire to learn how, thanks to the wisdom of the ancients, you can make your life better (gain the desired health, put your psyche in order, discover the purpose of your life, increase your energy level) and always be positive and cheerful, then...

    The name of the folk healer from St. Petersburg Yuri Andreevich ANDREEV is already known to our readers from Let us recall that Doctor of Philology Yuri Andreev first announced himself as a healer in 1988, having published a small article in the Neva magazine “Three pillars of health.” The author's revelations sounded like a bolt from the blue. There was a lot of noise both among ordinary readers and among doctors. Still would! After all, before Andreev, no one spoke out so boldly and convincingly against the holy of holies of official medicine - drug treatment. In return, Andreev offered his own concept of health, based on three pillars. The first whale is the strength of our spirit, active and benevolent. The second whale is our life in harmony with the forces of nature, in unity with all its elements and in close connection with the demands that it places on our body. The third whale is living, natural, individually selected nutrition for each person and regular cleansing of the body, both physical and spiritual. Such a violent reaction to the above note forced him to write his first book on health of the same name, which can rightfully be called a bestseller of the 20th century. It was distributed in millions of copies, and this year it was republished for the 15th time, which indicates the undying interest on the part of the readership in the unique healing method of Yuri Andreev, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by many years of practice.

    Three years ago, Yuri Andreev built a truly fabulous structure on his personal plot in the village of Repino, not far from St. Petersburg - a temple of health. Since then, the road to this temple has become a real road of life for many Russians who come to Andreev from the most remote corners of our country, as well as from near and far abroad. Often, people exhausted by the most serious illnesses turn to a healer as a last resort. He literally pulls some people in need of emergency help from the other world. To others studying in his courses, he gives theoretical and practical knowledge that allows them to preserve and increase the health given to a person by nature. Today we invite you to attend one of his lessons.

    Such an ordinary day

    I WILL START my story with an episode that is clear evidence of how significant the potential of energy capabilities is contained in almost each of us. So, on a bitter winter day, December 16 (no matter what year it was), I had to pass through my hands 30 people, students of the “Ideal Health - Theory and Practice” course, who dared for the first time in their lives to experience, as they say, in their own skin the effects of a Russian steam bath complete with an ice hole. The small bathhouse that we rented for this purpose could accommodate only 15 people in one two-hour session, so my work lasted from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. with the first group and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. with the second.

    What was included in the program of each lesson? Firstly, a theoretical introduction to the principles of true soaring - a brilliant heritage bequeathed to us by our Slavic ancestors. Naturally, theory had to be followed by practice. And this means that I had to competently steam off each (and each) of the brave ones who decided to move from words to deeds. Having received admonition from the example of the first 3-4 volunteers, the rest, under my supervision, began to court each other according to all the rules, but the lesson was structured in such a way that during several visits to the steam room, everyone, without exception, would receive appropriate edification from my pair of steamed brooms.

    Then came the decisive moment, perhaps, in everyone’s (and everyone’s) awareness of the amazing capabilities of their body: a three-time immersion in the ice hole. My job was to inspire everyone, to douse everyone with ice water, to insure everyone. Insurance was all the more mandatory because, having become excited and taking another dose of a hot broom, many of the enthusiasts were ready to dive into the hole again and again without any queue and without any scrutiny.

    But the work didn't end there. Following the cold procedures, there was a mandatory rejuvenation procedure for everyone. What was it? Sitting on a bench with his back to me, between my legs (I was sitting on a chair), everyone “ordered” how many years he would lose during an energy massage of his face and neck, and a mandatory condition was a smile during this procedure. All the same 30 people, one after another, took turns through this special type of massage using their own pre-charged creams. It was delightful to watch how faces appeared right in front of the enthusiastically gasping spectators, who had lost not just 5-10, but sometimes even 20 years!

    Thus, four hours of work passed, and when both groups left the room, I was still floating on my own, this time on my own, since their temperatures were too weak for me, and I swam in the ice hole for myself longer - for my own pleasure. But my work did not end there. What happened next?

    At 3 p.m., a car with a grandmother drove up to the bathhouse, who the day before asked me to see her ill grandson. In order not to waste time on nutrition, I “took on my breast” a pre-prepared mixture of honey with sprouted wheat grains (2-3 tablespoons), washed it down with a glass of pure water and calmly, without haste, diagnosed the baby. Then I went to the Youth Club, where patients who had made an appointment with me were waiting for me: 5 people for express diagnostics and another 5 people for psychocorrection.

    What was required of those arriving for the psychocorrection session? In advance, if possible, a clear definition of what torments, worries, offends their consciousness and sits like a disgusting thorn in their memory. My job was, figuratively speaking, to remove this splinter and heal the wounded place. Those who understand the psychosomatic nature of our diseases do not need to be particularly explained how such an “operation” improves the person’s condition as a whole. But, perhaps, none of the patients knows how much strength it takes from the healer.

    Within 5 hours without a single break, I received 10 people. When I left the club, by all indications it was a deep frosty night. Light frost fell from somewhere above onto the lamps standing along the tram tracks. I drove a few stops, got off the tram and walked through a dark, snow-covered park towards home. Moving along a path that was well known to me, I suddenly stopped in surprise: I realized that I was not only marching cheerfully and energetically, as in a parade, but at the same time I was also singing at the top of my lungs a not quite decent mischievous song. Realized and stopped dead in his tracks.

    Really, what is going on? After all, more than 40 people passed through my hands during these 10 intense hours. It was both physically and intellectually difficult work, with virtually no food, water or rest. And so, instead of collapsing from fatigue, I march in the middle of the night park and scream a stupid song. The question arises, where did this chest-bursting strength come from, this inescapable, superhuman, ever-increasing energy (and, I note, not at 20, not at 30, but in the eighth decade)?

    The explanation for which I began to talk about this winter day, which was unusual in terms of load, is that I was in the flow. In other words, I tuned into vibrations in resonance with forces incomparably greater than my own. And now the most important thing is why this example was given. This ability to enter the flow is by no means a feature of some ah-superman. It is innate to each of us. It’s just that with age we lose this priceless natural gift. Fortunately, not forever. It can be revived again, called back into everyday life, and at any time - there would be a desire to learn how to do this. The day of December 16, which I cited as an example, is a significant episode demonstrating how many reserves we can find and use to preserve and increase our health.

    Under the influence of mental images

    BASIC laws and general programs of health by nature are laid down equally in the silver Atlantic herring, and in the gray rat, and in a person of any race. This universal fundamental program is designed to maintain the health of an individual only until he reaches puberty and the time of fulfilling his reproductive duties to nature, and then the grass will not grow: you can quickly fall apart, get sick with all imaginable and inconceivable diseases at once and go to your forefathers.

    The point of approaching one’s health from the side of the crown of creation, man, is that he is able to understand the mechanisms of prevention and repair of the body, which is inevitably destroyed under the influence of internal and external factors. And the most important difference from animals: he is able to understand the role of such an important factor for preserving his own health as the influence of a high, vigorous and bright spirit. And what really elevates it to the category of the crown of creation is the ability to put your spirit into building your indestructible health.

    As a rule, the first thing a sick person does is go to a clinic, addressing his questions to a medical professional. And he acts completely reasonably, because he often needs emergency medical care, which requires urgent intervention. In fact, what conspiracies or sermons can help with inflammation of the appendix, or with blockage of the urinary canal by prostate adenoma, or with inflammation in the dental canal? You can only suppress these processes for a while, but it would be a crime not to take urgent and active surgical measures to eliminate the causes of these acute conditions.

    And at the same time, why do so many, so incredibly many people go to healers, bioenergy therapists, psychics, whisperers, sorcerers and other healers not recognized by official medicine precisely after the patients did not receive help in medical institutions? Why do people turn to healers for help after representatives of official medicine are unable to help the sufferer? What explains the sometimes phenomenal successes of these unrecognized healers, who sometimes bring a person back to life? Yes, first of all, because they enter the flow, that is, they involve the combined bipolar power of their brain in their actions. Both the left part of the cerebral cortex, responsible for logically clear meaning, and the fantasy, imaginative right part of the same cortex work equally actively.

    They call, for example, a grandmother-witch to a woman in labor, whose process of bringing the baby into the world has been painfully prolonged. Already upon entering the house of a woman in labor, the grandmother subconsciously evokes the corresponding mental image, which is almost the main tool in her work. She pulls with effort towards herself, opens the heavy gate, and she herself says: “Open, open, open - off we go!..” And at this time the long-awaited sound comes from the hut - a splash! And soon after him the cry of a newborn is heard.

    So we (unlike the overwhelming majority of so-called normal people, in whom the process of the currently dominant education has immensely developed and hypertrophied the left hemisphere, which is responsible for calculations, calculations, calculations, and at the same time reduced and atrophied the powerful potential of artistic thinking), like a not very scientific to the healer grandmother, we turn on the solidary power of both hemispheres. How do we achieve this? By entering an altered state of consciousness.

    Altered state of consciousness

    BEFORE setting out specific ways that allow us to do this, I will try to give a brief theoretical justification for the very possibility of eliminating the left-hemisphere censor, despot, barrier. I learned about this in the early 90s from Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Khlunovsky at the time when, at his invitation, I collaborated with him at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Military Medical Academy in Leningrad, which he headed. The rule formulated by him sounded like this: in order to eliminate the disorderly associative work of thinking, you should put two different tasks in front of the brain at once and simultaneously.

    For example, imagine your hands are cold and your feet are hot at the same time, then repeat the task in the reverse order. This rule has no price, because it is precisely this that can form an unshakable foundation for entering a meditative state in a few seconds. Let's smile, but not in the American way, putting out all 33 teeth at once in a supposedly friendly grin, but in a human way, focusing on getting friendly wrinkles around both of your eyes! Were you able to focus on both eyes at once? Did they begin to radiate your sincere friendliness? This means that everything is in order with you - the barrier automatically rose, and you entered (in any case, you took the first, very important step) into the magical kingdom of an altered state of consciousness.

    I took the liberty of detailing the science of A. N. Khlunovsky. In particular, he began to set tasks for the thinking apparatus in such a way that the first concerned work in a logical direction, the second in a figurative direction. For example, I begin to mentally (or out loud) pronounce a series of numbers (one... two... three... four...) - and at the same time I imagine the same numbers in the form of bright, glowing, like tubes of neon advertising , the figures appear on the back of my head as I count. That is, I simultaneously pronounce the order of numbers in a logical order and see them as pictures.

    Or I start practicing rational breathing on the go in the inhale - hold - exhale - hold mode. How is it possible to set a number of tasks simultaneously? Firstly, I accompany real breathing with a graph of the battlements of a certain fortress wall. The rise of the line upward is an inhalation, the horizontal surface of the tooth is a pause, holding the breath. The downward movement of the drawing line is an exhalation, the horizontal line - holding the breath - is the line of the fortress wall. Secondly, I complicate the task by requiring myself to inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. I will not talk now about the enormous health benefits of such breathing based on the drawing of a fortress wall, but I want to emphasize its great benefits for the general state of the psyche and body. By turning off the chatty-associative concrete mixer in our brain, we find ourselves in the flow of the great energy of the Universe, many times greater than that which we have in everyday life.

    This powerful energy flow allows a person to create real miracles. With its help, you can manage various situations, even reversing unwanted events in your life. By directing this energy flow to the diseased organ, it can be healed. By passing this flow through yourself, you can cleanse yourself of any dirt accumulated in the body. The last procedure is especially necessary for the healing of our body. Moreover, we are not only talking about cleansing on a physical level, although this is also important. Nevertheless, the process of human purification must begin with the purification of his spiritual hypostasis.

    Start with your heart and soul

    THE MAIN task of spiritual cleansing is to free a person from the inert, deadly harmful, poisoning his entire life, slag that has accumulated and continues to accumulate in our brains. In our heart. In our soul. What exactly would I suggest to do in this direction to an ill person who came under my arm? First of all, I would ask him to stay at home alone with himself, so that at this time no one would rush into his room and disturb him with questions (it is better to turn off the phone at this time). After this, he must absolutely impartially, as in relation to a stranger, without a shadow of indulgence, think about those sins, about those deviations from divine (for an atheist - from cosmic or universal) morality that a person has committed or repeatedly committed on his life’s path. This is a test of absolute sincerity, because the Highest Powers know everything reliably even without this confession.

    It goes without saying that we are not talking about relatively minor offenses (he didn’t have time to take a ticket to his station before the arrival of the train and drove two stops “with a hare”), but about significant deviations from the foundations of human relationships. This may be a callous attitude towards parents, lack of attention to children, a habit of fanfare or unbridled anger, profit at the expense of the well-being of others, rabid selfishness, a discrepancy between word and deed. For women, abortion is a terrible sin, that is, the murder of a person who is unable to defend himself.

    What's next? And then you need to imagine all these recorded sins (there will not be so many of them, no more than 3-5) in the form of dead people and free yourself from them forever. How? You need to mentally go on a boat to the Okiyan Sea, wrap these corpses there in mattresses or tarpaulins, tie cast-iron grates or stone slabs to each of them and drown them. Drown forever. Moreover, do this not for show, but for the sake of ridding yourself of the eternal distortions of the psyche, leading to a violation of the correct homeostasis of the body, and, consequently, to diseases.

    It is known, for example, that according to church regulations, despondency is a mortal sin. Indeed, a constantly depressed state of mind is the cause of depression of a number of organic processes, up to such a weakening of the immune system, in which almost any of the most serious diseases can occur. That’s why I’m asking you to do this procedure not for show.

    At the second stage of spiritual cleansing, for reliability, to consolidate the achieved results, it is necessary to duplicate the first task, which, as you yourself perfectly understand, is a very tough type of repentance. This time you should go to the temple of the Lord, regardless of whether you are a believer or an atheist. Why to the temple? Because this building, as a rule, almost without exception, is placed where the best interaction with the bowels of the earth occurs naturally. You must stand in the middle of the church and, in complete detachment from what is happening outside of you, mentally send your sins this time to the plasma center of the Earth, figuratively speaking, destroy them in “fiery hell.”

    I repeat and repeat again, because in the process of spiritual cleansing this is a very important stage: you free yourself from your sins consciously, not for show, but for the sake of rebirth to a life tuned in resonance with the great laws of Earth and Heaven. In the Universe, everything lives according to the same laws, with the exception of its tiny particle - the human community, which imagines itself above everything in the universe.

    The great covenant “Thy kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven” - this is what should determine our state and our behavior at this moment, and then in all subsequent periods of our lives. I advise you to take into account that plasma has a good memory, and if for some reason we forget about our contact with it literally on the second day after our decisive repentance, liberation from internal filth, then it will very cruelly remind us of this. And one more thing: in the same temple a person must buy 12 of the thinnest candles and take them home (for what purpose - I will tell you a little later).

    The third stage of spiritual cleansing seems to me the most difficult. Its goal is to eliminate from our consciousness and subconscious such a destructive factor as the insult once suffered, the humiliation received, those injustices presented by life that live for years and decades in our memory, in the cortex and in the subcortex, causing severe suffering, despite the fact that that we tend to forget about them. Meanwhile, these poisoned arrows, which are constantly acting over time, with which we were once struck, are extremely dangerous for our health, and liberation from them can sometimes qualitatively improve the state of our health.

    Meditation on fire

    SPIRITUAL cleansing is a launching pad for moving to a new stage, the task of which is pumping up, gaining energy, empowering all your structures, your entire integrity. To master these, frankly speaking, difficult practices, I invite everyone to come to me in Repino for courses. But before that, I strongly recommend that everyone who has gone through the stage of spiritual cleansing do one more homework: carry out an energy-informational cleansing of the body. This is where 12 thin candles taken from the temple will come in handy. They will be needed to conduct the so-called fire meditation. What does it consist of?

    You should take a lid from a tin can and melt one of these candles vertically to the center of it. Light the candle. Calmly lie on your back and place a lid with a burning candle on the solar plexus area. Then concentrate (you can close your eyes) and begin to expel all the black information from your body, all the information dirt, into the candle flame. How?

    For example, it’s easier for me to see it as swamp bubbles that rise from the bottom and flare up when they touch the light. It is easier for some to imagine this information dirt in the form of dust, scraps of paper, threads and other dirt, which the housewife sweeps from the floor with a broom and carefully throws to the fire so that it burns out. There are people who, while meditating on fire, imagine a disturbed nest of black wasps, which, flying out of a secluded place, fly furiously towards the fire, burn and fall off. Everyone chooses their own image. The task is only to actively and continuously imagine this process of expelling and burning black information.

    I know from experience that such stubborn holding of an image is quite easy to do for 5 minutes, much more difficult for 10 minutes, and very difficult for 15 minutes. As soon as you feel that there is no way to concentrate your scattering thoughts on burning information dirt, this work must be stopped. Using two wet fingers, extinguish the candle, but do not throw away the cinder (you will need it for the following procedures) and get up.

    I want to emphasize that your task is not a 12-time meditation on fire (once a day), but a dose of 12 candles that you will burn gradually, day after day, depending on the ability of your attention to concentrate. For some it will take 24 days, while for others, say, 36 days or more. It does not matter. As long as the job is done efficiently.

    Wax casting

    THIS method, which is the next stage of spiritual informational cleansing, is based on the absolutely amazing ability of liquid wax to absorb the information received. I believe that in its various versions, the wise men and sorcerers of Ancient Rus' used it already in the time of Ona, long before the baptism of Rus'. True, this was their deeply professional secret. Now we will use this secret knowledge for the common good.

    So, you take 80-100 grams of beeswax and put it in a water bath in the kitchen, that is, the wax lies in a ladle, and the ladle floats on the surface of bubbling boiling water in a pan. At this very time, you lie down on the bed and place any plate (not plastic) filled with water with a capacity of at least 500 ml on your forehead. Time passes (at least 15 minutes), and now the water, which is located on your forehead, has become the most knowledgeable expert after the Lord God on all, without exception, the characteristics of your body and your personality. A plate filled with water, which has collected all possible and impossible information about you, has become a kind of bank of your data.

    Raising yourself carefully so as not to spill the priceless information, you carry this plate of water to the kitchen, where you place it on the table. After this, use a potholder to take out a ladle of melted wax, so as not to get burned, and slowly pour it into the water. Do not strain the stream drop by drop, but do not dump out all the wax entirely, but rather pour it into the water in a thin continuous stream.

    In this case, an ingot of floating wax is formed on the surface of the water. 8-10 minutes pass, the ingot hardens, and you impatiently take it out and turn it over with the inside out. Oh my God! What a nightmare appears before your eyes! Some kind of lumps, phantasmagoric, monstrous interweaving of lines... However, it is this unsightly turn of the ingot that represents the most accurate and reliable diagnosis of your condition. But what is it? An hour or two after casting the wax, you begin to feel clearly better! What happened? And the fact is that, due to the correlation, the inextricable connection between you and that water, which knows everything about you, after the ugly picture of your condition was removed from the water with molten wax, you felt better.

    You pour out the water, put the wax ingot away from you and repeat everything again the next day. Again, place a plate filled with fresh water on your forehead. Melt the same ingot of wax in the ladle again. Again cast this wax, which no longer remembers anything from what was in its solid state, into a plate with water infused on your forehead. And again you get an ingot. You eagerly turn it over after the minutes it takes for the wax to harden, and what do you see? An incomparably calmer bas-relief! Of course, he is still far from ideal, but this is already a clear move in his direction. At the same time, you begin to feel even better than yesterday!

    In such labors, 7 days pass, during each of which you carry out the procedure of casting the disease with wax. If you do everything correctly, by the end of the week you will have an almost flat waxy disk with several concentric circles and a rough, unattractive lump approximately in the middle. Your health will improve noticeably this week. You melt the ingot and pour it into a plastic cup for storage, so that, completely neutral, innocent, completely empty, it awaits its next use. Moreover, it will be suitable for carrying out this procedure both by you and your loved ones.

    There are many different versions of this magical action with candles, ritual prayers and other techniques aimed at energy-informational cleansing of the body. I have outlined the essence of the method to you. Everything else, as they say, is a side dish: if you want, eat it, if you want, do without it. What other DIY cleaning methods would I recommend you try? The most effective of them include clay therapy, medical therapy, stone therapy, wood therapy, and herbal medicine. All of them together will help you more easily enter that miraculous flow in which I was on December 16, which is where I began my story.

    For the sake of life on Earth

    MANY will probably ask me: is it possible, having entered this miraculous stream, to stay in it forever? By formulating a thought in large terms, we must enter into resonance with the universe. After all, it’s funny when a small particle of the Cosmos - a person - believes that it can live according to laws independent of those that rule the boundless Universe. And he not only believes, but very often strives to live in such a way that everything around him flies head over heels. The real difficulty of the matter lies in the fact that into this great resonance we must bring not only our complacent mind, not only our mortal body, but above all our immortal soul.

    I ask for special attention: the subtlest, highest, most perfect vibrations in the entire existing world are the vibrations of the Creator, Absolute Mind, God. Consequently, as soon as we strive to really be, and not just be considered to be in the likeness of God, so soon we must become like the Creator in the most important things: in the energy of creation, in indomitable creative power, in an inexhaustible feeling of love. Academician V.I. Vernadsky also pointed out that of all organisms, those that survive are those that are capable of activity in the direction of increasing free energy, that is, those who are able to distribute their energy, strength, and love to the world around them. There is no more important task facing each of us, who came into this world with a specific mission. And each of us must complete this task for the sake of ourselves, our descendants - for the sake of life on Earth.

    I don’t remember who said it, but he said it perfectly: “A healthy person thinks about everything in the world, a sick person thinks only about health.” My dear! I would like to hope that this little lesson will allow each of you to solve big problems - both for the sick, so that they are able to live normally and think about everything in the world, and for the healthy, so that nothing continues to interfere with their full-blooded, comprehensive life. That's why I want to end this lesson with something like our most popular toast: "Let's be healthy!" And as a kind of exclamation point, I’ll complement it with a traditional Ukrainian toast, consisting of just one word: “Budmo!”

    Good advice

    1. Periodically throughout the week, rinse your mouth with vegetable oil 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes. What does this give? Pulling out all the fat globules, which greatly facilitates the work of the liver, but most importantly, radically cleanses the blood as a whole, because poisons in our body are contained in the form of fatty formations. God forbid you from swallowing these poisons. After completing the procedure, be sure to spit out the used oil.

    2. Try every day, when you get into the shower, for at least 3 minutes in the morning and at least 3 minutes in the evening, let out a thin stream (I emphasize, a thin stream, not a powerful shower stream) of warm, comfortable water, starting from the very top of the head along the back of the head and further along the spine. . I understand that doing this in the morning is not entirely convenient, but the result is worth it: this procedure will help you quickly get rid of diseases such as colitis, heart spasms, and sleep disorders.

    Let it be! This polysemantic word, most often used in the imperative mood, carries a meaning much richer than its literal translation “we will.” No, “we will be” is not just “we will be.” “Be” means we will joyfully, actively, with the increase of all the forces inherent in us by Mother Nature, fully exist! This means that we will absorb to the maximum all the incredible riches of the world around us - the one in which we are immersed. This means that we will not just live, but we will live in development, in improvement, day after day moving to a new, higher and better level. Let it be!

    Contact phone: (8-812) 432-06-03. Call from 10.00 to 11.00 and from 22.00 to 23.00.

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