How can bird cherry branches be compared? “Cheryomukha”, analysis of the poem by Sergei Yesenin. Try to write a funny story about an elephant yourself. Write down her plan

Subject: Visiting the poet

S. A. Yesenin "Bird cherry"


Introduce students to the biography of the poet and his poem “Bird cherry”;

Teach expressive reading of poems;

Explain the concept of "epithet". Learn to find figurative expressions in the text;

Develop aesthetic perception and creative imagination;

To cultivate a feeling of love for the Motherland, for nature;

Develop children's communication skills and ability to work in a team.

Planned results:

Students should know the main milestones of the poet’s life and work;

Be able to find epithets in the text.

Equipment: portrait of the poet, recording of the sounds of spring nature, presentation, musical recording of A. Vivaldi "The Seasons. Spring", coloring pages.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

2. Update

Teacher: Today we have an unusual lesson. We will visit the famous Russian poet, discover some of the secrets of creating poems and discover the enchanting world of spring nature.

Now close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature.

Sound recording of nature sounds(spring drops, birds chirping, leaves rustling in the wind, streams babbling).

What pictures does your imagination paint? Describe them.

What time of year do you think it is?

Game "Chain". Students take turns listing the signs of spring.

3. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson

The topic of our lesson is “Visiting the Poet.” We will get acquainted with the work of the great Russian poet S.A. Yesenina

4. Acquaintance with the biography of S. Yesenin

Working with the presentation.

Slide 1. Portrait of S. Yesenin

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (1895 - 1925)

Slide 2. With. Konstantinovo. House-Museum of S. Yesenin

Sergei Yesenin was born near Ryazan in the village of Konstantinovo in the family of a simple peasant. From a young age, the boy grew up in the village, observing the life of ordinary people. But most of all, the future poet was inspired by nature.

Yesenin began writing poetry at the age of 9. And even then the main themes of his work emerged: his native land, the Motherland, the nature of Russia.

Slide 3. Pictures of Russian nature.

Yesenin writes about nature with great love. We are already familiar with the work of this poet. Remember the poems “Winter Sings and Calls”, “Good Morning”, “White Birch”.

Slide 4: bird cherry tree.

It's like a snow globe is white,
In the spring it bloomed,
It gave off a delicate scent.
And when the time has come,
At once she became
The whole berry is black.

Prove that the riddle describes bird cherry.

Teacher: In the midst of spring, when the sun no longer skimps on warmth, the bird cherry blossoms. Its fragrant flowers envelop the branches in a lush snow-white cloud. In this outfit, the bird cherry looks like a young bride, shyly covering herself with a veil.

Let's look at what S. Yesenin wrote about bird cherry.

5. Initial acquaintance with the text

The teacher reads the poem expressively.

The lyrical narrative is different in that the author describes not an event, but feelings and mood. Look, there are no events in the text, and yet, it evokes certain thoughts and gives joy. The poet shares with us his sense of beauty, his delight. A bright picture of the onset of spring is immediately drawn in the imagination. These are streams, golden twigs, and honey dew. The poet managed to convey not only the colors, but also the sounds and even the smells of spring.

6. Analysis of the poem

A) Read the text yourself.

Buzzing reading.

B) Draw a mental picture that appears when reading these lines.

Orient students that there are two lyrical characters in the text: the bird cherry and the stream.

B) Linguistic commentary

Working with a presentation

The slides contain images of natural phenomena. Students must comment and explain the meaning of the words.

Honey dew - drops of dew with the smell of honey, fragrant, sweet;

Spicy greens - greens with a pungent spicy smell, fragrant;

Shines in silver - these are bird cherry flowers, they are white, looking like molten silver.

A thawed patch is a place where the snow has melted and the ground is visible.

The greenery burns in the sun - these are drops of dew shimmering and sparkling in the sun's rays.

The wave is thunderous - the water murmurs loudly.

It splashes - splashes of water reach the tree.

Under the steep slope - under the cliff.

D) Explanation of the term "epithet"

Please note that the author gives a description of each item. The bird cherry is fragrant, the branches are golden, the dew is honey, the greens are spicy. One single adjective, but how subtly the qualities are noted. The result is a complete picture of the landscape. Such words are called epithets.

An epithet is a figurative definition of an object. They help describe the appearance of an object, convey its color, condition, and also express feelings and mood.

D) Consolidation

Let's try to find epithets for the word "cherry bird" on our own.

(white, fluffy, fragrant, fragrant, spreading, cheerful, young, slender).

Find color epithets in the text. (silver stream, golden greens)

Yesenin paints spring in gold and silver colors. This helps to create a special picture of nature - delicate, subtle and incredibly rich.

Find epithets in the poem that emphasize the qualities of the subject

(honey dew, spicy herbs, fragrant bird cherry)

(with a young girl. She has “golden branches that curled her curls”)

What does the stream look like then? Why?

(to a young guy. He “sings a song to her insinuatingly”)

What does "ingratiatingly" mean?

(quietly, trustingly)

Find evidence in the text.

7. Consolidation of what has been learned

A) Work in groups. A coloring book with a picture of a bird cherry tree and a stream has been prepared for each group. Students must color the drawing, choosing the colors indicated by the author. While working, you can turn on the musical recording of A. Vivaldi “Seasons. Spring”.

B) Explain your choice of colors. Choose epithets for the words: stream, bird cherry, grass, sky.

8. Expressive reading of a poem

9. Reflection

What new did you learn in class today?

What mood did Yesenin’s poetry give you?

What else do you want to know about the poet?

10. Grading and homework

Come up with a fairy tale about a stream and a bird cherry tree. Try to use epithets in the text. Write down the examples you come up with in your notebook.

Lyudmila Zhura
Conversation about spring. Memorizing the poem by S. Yesenin “Cheryomukha”.

Conversation about spring. Memorizing a poem C. Yesenina« Bird cherry» .

Lesson objectives:

1. Cultivate interest in Russian poetry, show the melodiousness of the language poems, develop attention and creative imagination.

2. Develop coherent speech and memory with memorizing a poem, creative thinking.

3. Learn to identify and express your feelings that arise when listening and poems.

4. Learn to speak expressively poem.

Preliminary work: reading poems C. Yesenina about nature, looking at illustrations of flowering trees. Conversation about beneficial properties, features bird cherry. Application "branch bird cherry» .

Equipment: board with illustrations bird cherry, flowering trees, portrait of S. Yesenina, laptop for viewing slide shows.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time:

IN: What season? (spring)

IN: What month? (May)

IN: On North spring comes late. Murmansk nature can be seen in bloom only in June, but in warm regions everything is to another: gardens bloom in May, the sun shines brightly. the sky is blue-blue, the air is transparent and clean. May is spring flowers.

IN: And now you want to see how the trees bloom bird cherry?

IN: Sit on the chairs, try not only to see, but also to taste and smell spring, hear sounds.

View a slide show, listen to a piece "April" from the cycle "Seasons" Tchaikovsky.

IN: What did you see? (nature wakes up, leaves and flowers bloom)

IN: What did you hear? what did they present? (birds singing, people's voices, rustling branches, rustling leaves, flying butterflies, buzzing insects)

IN: Did you like the blooming one? bird cherry? What would you compare it to?

(bird cherry is like a cloud; dandelion; chamomile; snowdrop; white bridesmaid dress)

IN: Spring is the time of year which everyone likes. Creative people try to reflect their feelings and emotions in their works.

IN: What do composers do? Artists? Poets? (paint pictures, compose music, compose poetry) What other word can you call poetry? (poetry)

IN: Year after year spring comes to earth, causing a variety of feelings in people. Almost 100 years ago it was written poem« Bird cherry» . Its author is S.A. Yesenin, Russian folk poet. Yesenin's poems are full of sounds, smells and colors. He called his poems, songs and spoke that his song will resonate and remain in people's hearts.

IN: Where the poet was born and raised (village Konstantinovo).

Now it's called Yesenino.

IN: Why do you think Yesenin wrote poems about nature? (wanted people to know what beauty he saw, what he admired, what he was happy about; with the help poems you can say beautiful things about nature; to tell you what it looks like bird cherry when it blooms; so that we know about his feelings, desires)

IN: Today we will memorize and remember what is familiar to you poem« Bird cherry»

Reading poems« Bird cherry» (semantic pause)

IN: Did you like it poem?

IN: How did you feel? Why? (joy, sadness)

IN: About whom, what did the poet talk about in poem? (O bird cherry, about the stream)

IN: What did you like about poem?

IN: What weather do you think the poet wrote in? poem? (the weather was hot, the sun was shining brightly)

IN: I'll tell you a secret, the poet wrote poem about bird cherry, admiring her in the morning, and then in the afternoon.

Etude « Bird cherry in the morning» (physical minute).

IN: Let's introduce ourselves bird cherry in the morning. The sun is not shining brightly, slightly illuminating the trees and the ground, a light breeze is blowing, the trees are quietly swaying.


IN: How the poet spoke about bird cherry at the beginning of the poem? (2-3 answers)

The fragrant bird cherry blossomed in spring

And the golden branches that curled her curls.

IN: Bird cherry fragrant, but what else can it be called? (fragrant, odorous, tasty)

IN: Which one you introduced bird cherry when did you hear these lines? (large, white, all in bloom)

IN: Why are the branches golden? (many yellow stamens on flowers)

IN: Bird cherry honey tree. Why does the poet call honey dew? (drops of juice bird cherry look like droplets of honey, with the smell of honey)

IN: Flowers fragrant bird cherry, fragrant, but the smell bird cherry even repels insects. Why? (strong, sharp)

IN: Let us remember how the beauty of leaves bird cherry says the poet? (2-3 answers)

All around, honey dew slides down the bark,

Underneath her, spicy greens sparkle in silver

IN: Now let’s remember how at the beginning poem looked like a bird cherry?

Reading the first quatrain. (1-2 answers)

The fragrant bird cherry blossomed in spring

And the golden branches that curled her curls.

All around, honey dew slides down the bark,

Underneath her, spicy greens sparkle in silver

IN: What else are we talking about in poem? (about the stream)

IN: Where is the stream hidden? (in the grass, between the roots)

IN: I'll read how the poet talks about it.

IN: And nearby, by the thawed patch,

In the grass, between the roots,

The little one runs and flows

Silver Creek

IN: Guys, now let’s show how she has changed bird cherry during the day.

Etude « Bird cherry during the day» (physical minute)

IN: The sun is shining brightly, the branches the bird cherry trees have opened, reach for the sun.

IN: Bird cherry fragrant, hanging, stands,

The stream is like a thunderous wave

All branches are covered

And insinuatingly under the steep

To her sings songs

IN: Remember what it became bird cherry during the day? (children's answers)

Bird cherry fragrant, hanging, stands,

And the golden greens burn in the sun

IN: Let's tell us what the stream became like?

IN: The stream is like a thunderous wave

All branches are covered

And insinuatingly under the steep

To her sings songs

IN: Where does the stream flow? What is a thawed patch? (the place where the snow melted, the earth opened up)

IN: Why is there a thunderous wave near the stream? (the stream thunders, makes noise, flows, does not stand still)

IN: How do you understand the word "douses"? What other word can replace it? (pouring, dousing, splashing)

IN: How do you understand the expression "ingratiatingly sings songs» ? (carefully, gently, affectionately)

IN: Tell us how the poet talks about bird cherry during the day?

IN: Who remembered everything poem, tell it.

Expressive reading poems by children.

Lesson objectives (planned results):

Subject results: know and name the name, patronymic and surname of the great Russian poet, read aloud fluently, consciously, without distortion, expressively, conveying his attitude to what he read, quickly scan the text, observe how the poet glorifies his native nature, what feelings he experiences, use basic text analysis techniques.


regulatory control systems: propose a formulation of the purpose and objectives of the lesson, correlate its implementation with the formulation at the end of the lesson, read in accordance with the purpose of reading (fluently, expressively), plan work in a group, evaluate the results of your work at various stages of the lesson;
cognitive UUD: analyze the text based on the teacher’s system of questions, observe, compare, generalize, find comparisons, epithets in the text, develop attention and memory;
communicative UUD: express your point of view, participate in dialogue in a group, show tolerance for other opinions.

Personal results: show interest in the poet’s work and reading his poems, treat with pride and respect the heritage of the poet, who glorifies the beauty of Russia in his works, talk about his feelings associated with the perception of the work, reflect on the work being performed.

Resources and equipment:

  • Textbook “Literary reading” (grade 3) author. L.F. Klimanova, part 2, p. 55-56;
  • Dictionaries: S.I. Ozhegov Dictionary of the Russian language; Dictionary - synonyms of the Russian language;
  • Laptop;
  • Electronic board;
  • Image of a blooming bird cherry;
  • Electronic supplement to the textbook;
  • Cards for self-assessment (according to the number of students).

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Emotional charge of kindness. (Let's give each other our smiles and start the lesson in a good mood.)

2. Checking homework.

Expressive reading of A. Blok’s poem “The Crow”. Value judgments.

3. Updating children's knowledge. Goal setting, formulation of the educational task of the lesson.

– Today I invite you to travel back to the distant past and find yourself on Ryazan land. Imagine that we come out onto the steep bank of the Oka. We stand so high that it seems we can touch the clouds with our hands. Everything here excites, makes you freeze with delight: lakes with silent sedge and white lilies, water meadows with the tart aroma of mint. Nearby is the village of Konstantinovo. Here, on September 21, 1895, a man was born who made this village famous throughout the world. We met this poet in 2nd grade, when we studied the poems “Winter Sings and Calls...”, “Birch”.
– Who do you think our lesson will be dedicated to? (To Sergei Yesenin.)
– Yes, in this lesson we will once again turn to the work of Sergei Yesenin and get to know him better. Guess the riddle and find out the name of his poem.

It's like a snow globe is white,
In the spring it bloomed,
It gave off a delicate scent.
And when the time has come,
At once she became
The whole berry is black.

4. Vocabulary work.

Choose comparisons:

Bird cherry
fragrant like...
white, like...
curly, like...

– What kind of spring is the stream?

Choose comparisons:

loud as...
transparent, like...

Choose words that describe the action of a spring stream.(Murrs, flows, flows, rings, sparkles in the sun.)
– Imagine, spring has come. New, young leaves bloomed on the trees. Remember what they are?

Greens (what kind?)…

-Have you seen the dew? What is she like?

Dew (what?)…

S. Yesenin’s greenery and dew are completely unusual. After reading the poem, we will find out what other dew and greenery there are.

Game “Continue the phrase”.

Insinuatingly... Choose words that are close in meaning (timidly, timidly). Explain and show how it is.

Near the thawed patch... What is this? When are there thawed patches?

Group assignment. Finish the sentence.

1st group: Fragrant bird cherry...

2nd group: Golden green...

3rd group: The stream is like a thunderous wave...(Look in the dictionary for the lexical meaning of the word rattling, explain.Rattles – noisy, making loud sounds.)

Listening to groups and evaluating the results of their work.

– You made wonderful sentences and selected good comparisons. All these lines were used by S. Yesenin to describe the beauty of spring nature. So let's see how it worked out for him.

5. Listening to a recording of a poem to the sounds of music.

6. Conversation on primary emotional perception.

– Did you like the poem? What did you like? What do you remember most? What struck you the most?

7. Working with the textbook. Independent reading by students. Exercise: Read and imagine the pictures described by the poet. What would you draw for the poem? (Children's versions.)

– Now we will analyze the poem, and I hope that you will have more complete and accurate pictures.

8. Physical education minute. Performing exercises “Dennison hooks” from “Gymnastics for the brain” (Kinesiology) (Musical accompaniment by Grieg “Morning.”) (Appendix 2.)

9. Text analysis.

A) – What time of year is described in the poem?(Spring.) Prove it. Find in the text words and phrases that convey the reviving, awakening nature (it blossomed with spring, thawed patches).

– What colors predominate in the poem? (Golden, silver.) What mood do they create?

b) – Now let’s look at the text again. Read the first quatrain and find in it more words that create the impression of a holiday.(Fragrant, curled her curls.) Who is the author writing like this about? (About bird cherry). Who usually prepares for the holiday this way? (Girl.) With whom can the bird cherry be compared? (With a girl, a bride.)
– What word helps not only to see, but also to feel the picture painted by the poet? (Scented). Choose words for the word “fragrant” that are close in meaning. (fragrant, fragrant, fragrant).
- Find in the text what the bird cherry did? (Bloomed with spring.) Why with spring? Are there other phrases “in spring”, “before spring”? What did Yesenin want to say when he said “happy spring”? Like this? (“Hand in hand with spring,” spring is gaining strength and with it the bird cherry blossoms and gains strength.)
– Why does the author call the branches “golden”? Where does this color come from? (From the sun, from flower stamens.) With what intonation will we read these lines?
- Right. Admiringly.

Game “Collect quatrains”.

To make it easier to remember the poem, let's play. Collect the quatrain and read, picking up the given intonation, as if one person is reading. Who remembered? Value judgments.

V) Read the next four lines. What word does S. Yesenin use to describe dew?(Honey.)

- Listen to this word. What word does it come from? (Honey) What kind of honey? (Sticky, viscous.) This means that the dew on the bark of the bird cherry is also sticky and viscous. What words support this? (Slides.) How do you understand this word? (Stretches slowly.) Where does honeydew come from on the bark of a tree? When does she appear? (When the buds burst.)

– What kind of leaves are there when they just appear, hatch from the bud? (Tender, small, juicy, soft.) What word did Yesenin choose to describe greens? (Spicy.) Why? (Spicy is bitter, aromatic in smell and taste.) Why are greens in silver? (Glistens with dew.)

Conclusion. So, S. Yesenin describes a bird cherry that has just blossomed. Very small leaves, still wet, not dry from the juice, shine in silver. There is still very little greenery. What feelings did the poet want to convey? (Delight, joy, admiration.) So, with what intonation will we read the 2nd quatrain? (Admiringly!)

Game “Collect quatrains”.

G) Find more lines in the text that describe bird cherry. Read it.

– What hairstyle did the bird cherry have at the beginning of the poem? (She curled her curls.) And what does the bird cherry tree look like in this quatrain? (He stands hanging himself.) Why? (At first the leaves were not quite in full bloom, but now they have become larger and heavier.) What kind of greenery is it now? (Golden, burns in the sun.) Our bird cherry has changed! Why does S. Yesenin twice refer to the description of bird cherry? (Bird cherry changes and gains strength along with spring.)
– Look at the illustration in the textbook. What do you see? (The first picture shows an awakening bird cherry tree, and the second picture shows a bird cherry tree in full bloom.)

Conclusion. So, the bird cherry has changed, but has S. Yesenin’s attitude towards it changed? (No, he continues to admire even more this amazing creation of nature, this flowering of life.) With what intonation will we read this quatrain? (Admiringly.)

Game “Collect quatrains”.

d) What other image, besides the bird cherry, is present in the poem?(Creek.) Find a description of the stream.

-What word indicates the size of the stream? (Small.) What other words confirm that the stream is small? Where is he running? (In the grass between the roots.) What color is the stream? (Silver.) Why? (It shimmers in the sun, transparent, penetrated by the sun’s rays.) Find words that convey the action of the stream? (Runs, flows.) How do you understand the word “flows”? Choose one that is close in meaning (Pours, flows). Can you imagine such a small, timid, gentle, still very young stream, what powerful sounds can it make? (Quiet, calm, timid.) With what intonation will we read this quatrain? (Gently, calmly, a little timidly.)

Game “Collect quatrains”.

f) Are there any other lines about the stream? Read it. Find words that show the action of a stream. (It blows with a wave.) Compare what he did before? (Running, flowing.) Has the stream changed? (Yes, there was a trickle, but it became a wave.) Yes, our stream has gained strength. What other word confirms that the stream has changed? What wave? (Rattles.) How is the stream depicted here? (In strength - strong, in sound - noisy, loud. In character - persistent. It pours over the branches of the bird cherry, as if forcing the proud beauty to pay attention to itself. Who does the stream remind you of? (A young man.)

Looking at the image of the bird cherry, we noticed that it had changed, and now we see that the stream has changed. Is there anything common in these changes? (Yes. Spring is gaining strength and with it nature.) With what intonation will we read these lines? (Persistently, boldly.) Read the last two lines. What can a stream sing about? (About love, about spring.) How will we read these lines? (Gently.)

Game “Collect quatrains”.

and) Attention! Competition for the best reader in groups. Read the entire poem, observing pauses, conveying the author’s mood, as well as your attitude. Value judgments.

10. Homework (differentiated). I think that during the lesson you have become quite familiar with the poem and its lines are still fresh in your head. At home, all you have to do is repeat it.

Bird cherry is not only visually beautiful, but also very useful. Group 1 will tell us why it is useful in the next lesson. (Under the guidance of the teacher, children will look for information in reference books and on a given Internet site, and prepare messages.)

Illustration of a poem - group 2.

11. Summing up. Reflection. Self-esteem.

– What do you think S. Yesenin showed us in his poem? What are his main thoughts? (Love for one’s native land, for nature.) What does it mean to love nature? Is it enough to just admire and admire her beauty? (It also needs to be preserved and protected.) Let us take care and love every blade of grass, every butterfly, every living thing that surrounds us, since our world will be poor, nondescript, dead without the beauty of living nature. (Analyze whether the learning objectives were achieved in the lesson.) What new did you learn about S. Yesenin? What did they open? What feeling did you have after reading the poem? Does anyone have a desire to learn something new about the poet and get acquainted with his other works? Guys, what worked and what didn’t? What was especially difficult and what still needs to be worked on? What would you praise yourself for?

Self-esteem. Evaluating your work in terms of learning new information:

  • I learned a lot of interesting things and remembered a lot
  • I learned a lot, but didn’t remember everything
  • I learned little and remembered little, I still need to repeat it

Value judgments of the teacher with the creation of situations of success, marking the progress of students.

I hope you remember the lesson and you will also want to read other poems by S. Yesenin and through them discover and understand the poet himself.

The teacher and the children watch the blooming bird cherry or examine the twigs.

Educator (tells the children a riddle)

It's like a snow globe is white,

In the spring it bloomed.

The gentle smell of spring,

And when the time has come -

At once she became

The whole berry is black. (Bird cherry.)

Today we will look at flowering bird cherry. Many poems and songs have been written about her. Listen:

The fragrant bird cherry blossomed in spring, And the golden branches curled like curls... The fragrant bird cherry, Hanging, stands, And the golden greenery burns in the sun.

WITH. Yesenin

Look at the amazing transformations that have taken place in the life of the bird cherry. It became covered with leaves and blossomed. And her flowers are very fragrant, fragrant, you just want to inhale this aroma. I'll bend the branches towards you and you can smell them.

The teacher tilts the bird cherry branch so that the children feel the aroma of the flowers.

Now we will look at the bird cherry flowers and find out why the poem says that the bird cherry branches are golden.

Look, the bird cherry flowers are white, and in the middle there are yellow stamens, like small yellow candles. It's them

give the flowers a golden color. Bird cherry has many, many small flowers, but are they located separately?

The children answer.

That's right, they are sitting together. This is called a brush. Small flowers are collected in a brush from the bird cherry tree. There are a lot of brushes, poets compare them to curls, and the branches look golden from the sunlight and the yellowness of the candle stamens. What does “fragrant bird cherry” mean?

Children offer their own answers.

Fragrant means fragrant, fragrant, fragrant, having a pleasant smell.

Children are invited to once again admire the blooming bird cherry and smell its flowers. You can read the poem again.

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